
Stolzenberg K, Heberle K (2022)
Successfully Shaping Change Processes – Mobilizing Employees.
Vision, Communication, Participation, Qualification,
4th edition. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York
"In this book, one of the most successful specialist books on change management, two experienced organisational developers show how to make a change process successful not only on a technical level but also psychologically: by covering 4 key aspects – the vision and goals, communication, participation and training. Presented in a straight-forward and practical way: the entire book is composed of specific codes of practice, detailed procedures, timelines, conversation guides and checklists."
(Published by Springer)
"In this book, one of the most successful specialist books on change management, two experienced organisational developers show how to make a change process successful not only on a technical level but also psychologically: by covering 4 key aspects – the vision and goals, communication, participation and training. Presented in a straight-forward and practical way: the entire book is composed of specific codes of practice, detailed procedures, timelines, conversation guides and checklists."
Published by Springer

Stolzenberg K, Snaphaan, D
Feedbackkultur – Schritt für Schritt zum konstruktiven und offenen Dialog (S. 215-230)
in Zimmermann G, Hrsg. (2015) Change Management in Versicherungsunternehmen -
Die Zukunft der Assekuranz erfolgreich gestalten
"Top industry executives present cutting-edge expertise on important change processes."
Published by Springer Gabler

Scheinpflug R, Stolzenberg K, Hrsg. (2017)
Neue Komplexität in Personalarbeit und Führung
Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze
"The first piece to shed light on complexity management in the context of personnel and leadership."
Published by Springer Gabler

Booklet No. 4 |2012
Toolbox: No. 33 Vision and Mission Statement Development